
How a new online tool is helping people of any age assess their colon cancer risk

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How a new online tool is helping people of any age assess their colon cancer risk

RELATED: New blood test developed by Silicon Valley-based group screens for colon cancer“In 2030, it’s estimated that both for men and women, it’s going to be the leading cause of cancer death under 50,” said Dr. Lee.Dr. Jeff Lee with Kaiser Permanente San Francisco says the statistics are alarming. He says in the U.S., colon […]

RELATED: New blood test developed by Silicon Valley-based group screens for colon cancer“In 2030, it’s estimated that both for men and women, it’s going to be the leading cause of cancer death under 50,” said Dr. Lee.Dr. Jeff Lee with Kaiser Permanente San Francisco says the statistics are alarming. He says in the U.S., colon cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among men under 50. And for women of the same age group, it’s the second.Copyright © 2025 KGO-TV. All Rights Reserved.RELATED: FDA approves blood test to detect colon cancer for those at ‘average risk’“Screening for colon cancer is incredibly safe and you shouldn’t be concerned about it. There are many different options you can choose from. Just talk to your doctor and think about which one’s best for you,” said Dr. Lee.Dr. Lee points out that if you’re having symptoms… blood in your stool, losing weight unintentionally, unexplained persistent abdominal pain or changes in your bowel habits… you should definitely reach out to your doctor.The American Cancer Society has launched a new online tool to help people of any age, assess their colon cancer risk. CancerRisk360 takes just 10-15 minutes to complete.And CancerRisk360 can help you determine if you need an earlier screening.SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — Colon cancer is on the rise in younger adults. This startling trend is why the American Cancer Society has created a new online risk assessment tool. It’s a new resource being launched during Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month.He says it’s unclear why this is happening, but there are risk factors: obesity, a sedentary lifestyle, smoking history, increased consumption of red meats or processed foods, and heavy alcohol use.

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Catching colon cancer early is key. Dr. Lee says there’s a 90% survival rate at five years, CancerRisk360 when detected early. So screening is incredibly important. It’s recommended to start at age 45 and can include a colonoscopy or a stool-based test.


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