A diverse cast of 50 influencers, including Audrey Trullinger, Kareem Rahma, Greg Berzinsky, and Mohamet Mbaye, will dance to the remix while using CeraVe’s moisturizer cream and share the content on social media. The jingle from CeraVe’s “Hey It’s Me” commercial has become meme fodder on social channels like TikTok—sometimes with an air of mockery. But […]
In the latest chapter of its “Moisturize Like a Derm” campaign, created by Ogilvy, CeraVe collaborated with digital creator and DJ Casa di Music to remake the opening monologue of its long-running TV ad, which begins: “Hey. It’s me. Your dry skin.”The campaign will run globally across social and streaming channels throughout the first quarter of 2025, with CeraVe adapting the tune for different markets with local talent.
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