
CrossFit Workout of the Day

1 day ago
CrossFit Workout of the Day

Perform a 50-foot handstand walk after each set.Perform a 50-foot handstand walk after each set. Perform a 25-foot handstand walk after each set. Stimulus and Strategy:In today’s workout, push to maintain unbroken hang squat cleans. The loading should feel light to moderate and allow you to hang on to the larger sets. The handstand walk […]

Perform a 50-foot handstand walk after each set.Perform a 50-foot handstand walk after each set.

Perform a 25-foot handstand walk after each set.

Stimulus and Strategy:
In today’s workout, push to maintain unbroken hang squat cleans. The loading should feel light to moderate and allow you to hang on to the larger sets. The handstand walk should be a nice “break” before getting back on the barbell. However, don’t be fooled — getting upside down after the hang squat cleans will be more difficult than you think. Advanced athletes should challenge themselves to perform the handstand walks unbroken, and if you fail to make it 50 feet, go back to the start. Have fun!

In case of an injury or limitation, consider hang power cleans or light goblet squats in place of the hang squat cleans. For the handstand walks, consider shoulder taps in the plank position or a 30-second sprint on the ski erg.

Intermediate option:
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
Hang squat cleans

Coaching cues:
On the handstand walk, start with smaller steps to gain momentum, balance, and confidence. You can always make your steps bigger.

♀ 65-lb barbell
♂ 95-lb barbell

Perform a 50-foot bear crawl after each set.

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