
Letter to the Editor

3 days ago
Letter to the Editor

Once again developer Garen Gozumian (Burbank Leader, March 15) is trying to isolate the Rancho community, just as previously he tried to characterize everyone here as racist. But this is not an equestrian issue. What is happening in the Rancho is relevant to the whole city.  Inappropriate development is just that, wherever it takes place, […]

Once again developer Garen Gozumian (Burbank Leader, March 15) is trying to isolate the Rancho community, just as previously he tried to characterize everyone here as racist. But this is not an equestrian issue. What is happening in the Rancho is relevant to the whole city. 
Inappropriate development is just that, wherever it takes place, and could happen in any of the city’s neighborhoods given the collapse of the traditional planning system. What we want to avoid is the mess that characterizes many parts of this country where anyone builds anything they want regardless of their neighbors, regardless of appearances and the environment, and regardless of access to jobs and amenities. 
In any event, given the number of ADUs being built and other densification projects in progress we’ll soon see a substantial increase in housing units and population without Mr. Gozumian’s Soviet style five-story monstrosity.
Paul Dyson



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