The announcement that Col. Daniel Davis was tapped to be deputy director of national intelligence sent shockwaves through the pro-Israel community earlier this week. The post involves supervision of the President’s Daily Brief, a compendium of vital intelligence information that goes to the White House and senior figures throughout the government. That gives anyone in […]

The announcement that Col. Daniel Davis was tapped to be deputy director of national intelligence sent shockwaves through the pro-Israel community earlier this week. The post involves supervision of the President’s Daily Brief, a compendium of vital intelligence information that goes to the White House and senior figures throughout the government. That gives anyone in the job a singular ability to direct discourse and influence policy. And for it to go to Davis, whose hostility to Israel is a matter of long-standing record, seemed to indicate that – for want of a better term – the “woke right” was getting into position to wreck the alliance with the Jewish state.