Toronto’s Summer McIntosh led the Olympic charge with three gold medals and one silver. Nicholas Bennett, of Parksville, B.C., won two Paralympic gold and a silver.”The athletes were looking for that change and we listened,” Paulins said. “That need to connect with people and ensure we listen to all the important voices in our community […]
Toronto’s Summer McIntosh led the Olympic charge with three gold medals and one silver. Nicholas Bennett, of Parksville, B.C., won two Paralympic gold and a silver.”The athletes were looking for that change and we listened,” Paulins said. “That need to connect with people and ensure we listen to all the important voices in our community has been a focus for sure.Paulins, from Brantford, Ont., took over as acting CEO in May when Ahmed El-Awadi took personal leave. He left the organization in November.Duration 0:57Suzanne Paulins has been named chief executive officer of Swimming Canada after serving as interim CEO since last year.WATCH l B.C.’s Nicholas Bennett wins 2nd gold at Paris Games:
“It makes it easier to perform and excel as athletes and I’m sure coaches and officials will agree it’s great to have a leader who’s invested in our sport at all levels.”Paulins oversaw the relocation of the Olympic and Paralympic swim trials from Montreal to Toronto because of a fire near Montreal’s Olympic Pool.”She’s been a great leader in our sport for several years, she communicates with athletes and always has athletes’ needs at the heart of every conversation,” said three-time Olympian Javier Acevedo.
She’s been involved in the sport for 45 years in various roles including official, referee and vice-president of Swim Ontario.Paulins oversees Swimming Canada’s strategic plan for 2021-28.Unstoppable Nicholas Bennett wins his second gold at Paris 2024Canada’s swim team achieved objectives as a top-six medal country at the Olympic Games (4th) and a top-nine country in Paralympic swimming (8th) in 2024.”Under Suzanne’s leadership, there is no doubt that Swimming Canada’s future is very bright,” Swimming Canada president Susan Owen said Wednesday in a statement.Canada’s swim team won eight medals at the Olympic Games and 13 medals at the Paralympic Games in Paris.