Abstract National Science Centre in Poland supported preparing this article with a research grant (UMO-2020/39/B/HS6/00685) and a scholarship awarded to M.B. by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP). The funder had no role in study design, data collection, analysis, publishing decisions, or manuscript preparation. The project was conducted in AMU Psychophysiology Lab: Positive Gaming & […]
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Ethics Information
The physiological and behavioral data, in a CSV format, constitute 366 GB of space32. The files are grouped into eight subcomponents with a maximum size of 50 GB due to OSF storage restrictions. The component’s name indicates for which study stage (S1 vs S3) and participants and which person they refer to. For instance, the name ‘Physio_S3_225_300’ indicates that the component included psychophysiological and behavioral data from Stage 3 for participants from 225 to 300. The component contains a set of CSV files for particular subjects. All psychophysiological and behavioral signals recorded during the experiment for each individual are available in a single CSV datafile named “S < stage_id > _P < participant_id >,” where “S” stands for study stage, “P” for participants, e.g., S1_P10.csv, or S3_P224.csv. The “< particpant_id >” is a natural number identifying a participant.
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Stage 1
Internal/external validity: our study offered a unique blend of internal and external validity through the use of controlled experiments paired with real-world outcomes. It included a thorough evaluation of affective and physiological dynamics and implemented a robust, theory-driven intervention.
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Stage 2
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Stage 3
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Open-Text answers
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Other self-reports
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Video data
Video recordings
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Gameplay recordings
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Physiological measures
Impedance cardiography and electrocardiography
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Blood pressure
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Behavioral measures
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Data preprocessing
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Maciej Behnke, Wadim Krzyżaniak, Patrycja Chwiłkowska, Szymon Jęśko Białek, Maciej Kłoskowski, Patryk Maciejewski & Kacper Szymański
Data Records
Dataset Structure
Self-reports and metadata
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Video data
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Physiological and behavioral data
Jankowski, K. S. Is the shift in chronotype associated with an alteration in well-being? Biol. Rhythm Res. 46, 237–248 (2015).
Single physiological file structure
Technical Validation
Missing data
Questionnaires reliability
Koldijk, S., Sappelli, M., Verberne, S., Neerincx, M. A. & Kraaij, W. The swell knowledge work dataset for stress and user modeling research. In Multimodal Interaction (2014).
Physiological data – qualitative validation
Physiological data – quantitative validation
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Summary of previously completed analyses
Summary of the physiological, affective, and behavioral activity during the competitive esports

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Other psychophysiological datasets related to affective manipulations exist (see Tables 1–3), but these datasets are usually related to one of the data types included in CEPAV. We reviewed existing openly available datasets of physiological responses to affective manipulations. Compared to the CEPAV strengths, we found that only four databases included physiological, behavioral, and video data along with individual differences measures8,9,10,11. Seven databases included data collected on multiple occasions10,12,13,14,15,16,17. Only one database included more participants than the CEPAV18 dataset. Finally, we found five datasets that included gaming, including simple labyrinth games9, racing games19,20 shooter games platform games19, FIFA21, and League of Legends16. Only one dataset included data on participants’ performance16, while other datasets used gaming as a situational context for the study. - Crucianelli, L., Enmalm, A. & Ehrsson, H. H. Interoception as independent cardiac, thermosensory, nociceptive, and affective touch perceptual submodalities. Biol. Psychol. 172, 108355 (2022).Hsu, Y. L., Wang, J. S., Chiang, W. C. & Hung, C. H. Automatic ECG-based emotion recognition in music listening. IEEE Trans. Affective Comput. 11, 85–99 (2017).
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- The upper-body recordings in an MP4 format, full HD resolution (1920 × 1080) constitute 820 GB of space31. The files are grouped into 19 components with a maximum size of 50 GB due to OSF storage restrictions. The component’s name indicates for which study stage (S1 vs S3) and participants and which person they refer to. For instance, the name ‘Video_S3_255_280’ indicates that the component included a video record from Stage 3 for participants from 255 to 280. To ease the video data analysis, we included the time intervals for each experimental epoch in the “CEPAV_data/video_timing” sheet24 (e.g., for Stage 1 for Participant 8, the baseline starts at 1:17 minutes of video).Article
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Google Scholar - Hughes, B. M., Lü, W. & Howard, S. Cardiovascular stress-response adaptation: Conceptual basis, empirical findings, and implications for disease processes. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 131, 4–12 (2018).The CEPAV dataset is publicly available at the Open Science Framework (OSF) repository1.
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- Given the expense associated with assembling comprehensive multimodal datasets, there is growing interest in reusing existing datasets, a practice that remains underutilized due to the scarcity of openly shared raw data. For data reuse, it is particularly important to share the raw data rather than the pre-processed data used for analysis, as raw data are needed in order to fully replicate analyses and harness the full potential of the data. This is particularly critical in fields like affective computing, where developing algorithms capable of understanding and adapting to human emotions relies on access to diverse and detailed descriptors of emotional responses. Such openness and transparency not only enhance the potential for interdisciplinary collaboration but also significantly enrich the resources available for affective science. By providing raw, unprocessed data, researchers enable more nuanced analysis, fostering advancements in understanding the complexities of affective phenomena.Ware, J. E. Jr. & Sherbourne, C. D. The MOS 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36): I. Conceptual framework and item selection. Med. Care 30, 473–483 (1992).
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Maciej Behnke. - Behnke, M. et al. CEPAV Dataset, Raw_Physio Component. Open Science Framework https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/HKDUY (2024).Physiological and behavioral data were exported from the acquisition formats by the first author (MB). We used different acquisition software; therefore, the exported data had to be integrated into a common format. The exported TXT and CSV files were preprocessed using Python28,29 scientific libraries (e.g., pandas 2.2.2, numpy 1.26.4; see Code Availability, for detailed information). In addition to scripts for processing the typical data, we also added scripts for handling problematic cases and exceptions.
- In our initial publication, we tested the effects of the Synergistic Mindsets Intervention (SMI) compared to a control intervention6. The SMI was positively received, leading participants to adopt more advantageous stress mindsets, more favourable appraisals of the esports tournament, and an increased application of reappraisal strategies for emotion regulation. Despite these positive outcomes, the high-stakes nature of the esports competition was perceived as an enjoyable challenge rather than a negative stressor, reducing the potential for the SMI to significantly influence affective and physiological reactions. The absence of a negative physiological stress response meant there was very little for the intervention to modulate. Consequently, no significant changes were noted in affective responses or gaming performance due to the intervention. Access to the research code, dataset, and findings can be found elsewhere6.
- We converted the raw acquired data (obtained with proprietary acquisition software) into a consistent format and saved it in CSV files. All signals were resampled to 1 kHz, using the previous neighbor interpolation method. Signals from different devices were time-synchronized using synchronization markers generated by VU-AMS and Finometer devices during experiments. We marked the baselines, matches, and recoveries within the files. Finally, data across studies were exported to normalized form, consisting of a header, predefined file structure, and standardized subject naming convention. The description of labels used for tagging specific epochs is available in the “CEPAV_data” file24, the “epoch_name” sheet.
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- Esports refers to competitive video gaming where individuals compete against each other in organized tournaments for prize money. Here, we present the Competitive Esports Physiological, Affective, and Video (CEPAV) dataset, in which 300 male Counter Strike: Global Offensive gamers participated in a study aimed at optimizing affect during esports tournament1. The CEPAV dataset includes (1) physiological data, capturing the player’s cardiovascular responses from before, during, and after over 3000 CS: GO matches; (2) self-reported affective data, detailing the affective states experienced before gameplay; and (3) video data, providing a visual record of 552 in-laboratory gaming sessions. We also collected (affect-related) individual differences measures (e.g., well-being, ill-being) across six weeks in three waves. The self-reported affective data also includes gamers’ natural language descriptions of gaming affective situations. The CEPAV dataset provides a comprehensive resource for researchers and analysts seeking to understand the complex interplay of physiological, affective, and behavioral factors in esports and other performance contexts.
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Visualization Single Physiological File Structure for Stage 1 (left panel) and 3 (right panel). ECG- electrocardiogram, mV; Z0 – Average thorax impedance, ohm; dZ – Change in impedance due to respiration and heartbeat, ohm; dZ/dt – Impedance CardioGram, ohm/s; SBP – Systolic Pressure, mmHg; DBP – Diastolic Pressure, mmHg; MAP- Mean Pressure, mmHg; HR – Heart rate, bpm; SV – Stroke Volume, ml; LVET – Left Ventricular Ejection Time, ms; PI- Pulse Interval, ms; MS – Maximum Slope; mmHg/s; CO – Cardiac Output; l/min; TPR – Total Peripheral Resistance Medical Unit, mmHg.min/l; TPRCGS – Total Peripheral Resistance CGS; dyn.s/cm5; wr – right wrist movement, custom units; tl – left thigh movement, custom units; tr – right thigh movement, custom units. - Ringeval, F., Sonderegger, A., Sauer, J. & Lalanne, D. Introducing the RECOLA multimodal corpus of remote collaborative and affective interactions. In Face Gesture Recognit. (2013).
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For open-text responses, we initially reviewed and corrected any typographical and spelling mistakes. Subsequently, we translated these responses into English using DeepL Translator (DeepL GmbH, Cologne, Germany). Two judges (KS, MB, MK, or SJB) then compared the English translations to the original Polish texts, making adjustments for any clear translation errors. Three judges deliberated on more complex issues and resolved them through consensus. - Article
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PubMed Google Scholar - We collected the number of kills, kills’ assists, and deaths and the match scores as determined by the Counter-Strike: Global Offensive scoring system, which factors in the difficulty of the weapon used and the points earned for each enemy bot eliminated. A higher score reflects superior performance. Gamers’ tournament performance was primarily evaluated based on their total score, making it the main performance index. However, other metrics—kills, assists, and deaths—can provide insight into the participant’s strategy. For instance, a high total score paired with a high number of deaths may indicate a risk-taking approach. Analyzing which strategies proved optimal or suited individual gamers could be valuable for esports coaches, helping them tailor training and game plans effectively. In Stage 2, participants were asked to log their daily match scores, simulating the conditions of the upcoming tournament.Download references
- However, the dataset comes with certain limitations. First, this dataset cannot be employed to investigate differences between sexes, ethnicities, or between the group ages, as all participants were male Caucasian young adults. Second, our investigation was confined to affective reactions within a single esports (Counter Strike: Global Offensive) context. Third, as noted in the missing data section, the dataset lacks some data due to technical constraints (e.g., ICG missing due to electrode detachment), lack of consent to share data, and human errors (e.g., not starting data collection for accelerometers). Lastly, the dataset represents a secondary use of data initially collected for a previously published independent study.Accepted:
- We present questionnaires, open-text, other self-reported data, and auxiliary information about the participants in the “CEPAV_data” spreadsheet24. The file includes participants’ ID, sex, age, height, weight, experimental conditions, and questionnaire responses (the “self_reports” sheet). To make it easier to use the database, we also included averages for physiological and behavioral data from selected moments of the study in the file, which were used for the Summary of the Physiological, Affective, and Behavioral Activity During the Competitive Esports (Technical Validation section) and presented in Fig. 5 (the “physio_behav” sheet)24.Uusberg, A. et al. Appraisal shifts during reappraisal. Emotion 23, 1985–2001 (2023).
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- Participants’ upper bodies were continuously captured on video using an HD camera positioned in between the monitors, utilizing the Open Broadcaster Software25. The camera was set approximately 65 cm away from the participants’ heads, with a recording at 30 FPS. We also captured the back view of the experimental view with the camera near the ceiling (Fig. 2). These recordings were primarily used to monitor the study’s progress and ensure participant safety.Medland, H., De France, K., Hollenstein, T., Mussoff, D. & Koval, P. Regulating emotion systems in everyday life: Reliability and validity of the RESS-EMA scale. Eur. J. Psychol. Assess. 36, 437 (2020).
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The sample consisted of 300 male players of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO), aged between 18 and 32 years, with a mean age of 21.95 years (SD = 2.29). Competitive experience varied within the group: 200 players (67%) had no experience, 76 (25%) had competed in local tournaments, 17 (6%) had participated nationally, and six (2%) had taken part in international competitions. One participant did not disclose his competitive background. Esports provided an additional income source for 17 participants, while the rest did not earn money through gaming. On average, participants had been playing CS: GO for 9.13 years (SD = 5.22), with a mean total gameplay time of 2225.69 hours (SD = 1980.55) as recorded in their Steam Library (Valve Corp., SA). The number of participants varied across CS: GO ranks, with 9 participants ranked as Silver I, 2 as Silver III, 7 as Silver IV, 4 as Silver Elite, 4 as Silver Elite Master, 10 as Gold Nova I, 14 as Gold Nova II, 12 as Gold Nova III, 11 as Gold Nova Master, 28 as Master Guardian I, 21 as Master Guardian II, 26 as Master Guardian Elite, 27 as Distinguished Master Guardian, 29 as Legendary Eagle, 32 as Legendary Eagle Master, 19 as Supreme Master First Class, 44 as Global Elite. Details related to inclusion and exclusion criteria and the process of sample size determination are described elsewhere6.
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Project and Match Procedures. The red frames represent a procedure for all performances (to simplify the figure, we depicted it in detail only for baseline performance), namely prematch physiology, affective experience, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive match, and recovery. Baseline and post-intervention questionnaires include negative prior mindsets, positive and negative affective experiences, affect regulation strategies, well-being, ill-being, alexithymia, and emotion belief measures. Affective self-report includes affective experience and demands and resources evaluation. Emotion recall tasks include recalling and describing situations from the tournament that elicited positive and negative affective experiences and evaluating them using affective experience, situational appraisals and affect regulation strategies measures. One month after Stage 3, participants were asked to fill in follow-up questionnaires, the same set as at baseline and post-intervention. Figure reproduced from our previous article6, used under a CC BY license.
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The calculated SNR indicated the high quality of all collected signals35, with mean SNR ranging from 21.90 dB to 68.05 dB depending on the physiological signal and study. We identified outliers with the median absolute deviation, with a cutoff of 3, as recommended by Leys et al.36,37, resulting in 416 signals (3.94% of all calculated SNR values) identified as SNR outliers. Next, the first author (MB) visually inspected all flagged data to determine whether the signal should be deleted and classified as an artifact, resulting in 17 signals being identified as artifacts. Outlying signals are marked with yellow color in the “SNR” sheet with additional comments from the first author on reasons that potentially influenced the outlying values (e.g., disconnecting ECG and ICG electrodes after the study while the signals were still being recorded).
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Participants played Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS: GO) in a deathmatch mode on the Dust II map, competing against the highest difficulty level of computer-generated opponents (bots) without random weapons. All matches were structured into prematch baseline measurements (2 minutes), gaming (2 minutes), and recovery (2 minutes) (Fig. 1). During all match phases, we collected cardiovascular, behavioral, and video data. Before each match, participants also shared their affective experience and provided demands and resources evaluations.
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Sample size: 300 participants.
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Klussman, K., Lindeman, M. I. H., Nichols, A. L. & Langer, J. Fostering stress resilience among business students: The role of stress mindset and self-connection. Psychol. Rep. 124, 1462–1480 (2021).
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Eysenck, H. J. & Eysenck, S. B. G. Manual of the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (Junior & Adult). Hodder and Stoughton Educational (1975).
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- Here, we present the Competitive Esports Physiological, Affective, and Video (CEPAV) dataset1. Esports represents a rapidly growing field in which well-trained individuals – gamers – compete using video games. In esports, gamers compete while seated in front of a screen, creating an ideal environment to study affective responses, including emotional experiences and real-time cardiovascular reactions to performance2,3,4,5. This setting allows for the examination of high-stakes performance with continuous real-time monitoring of affective responses at multiple levels. Using esports as a model allowed us to gain insights into the interplay between emotional states and physiological responses during intense gameplay sessions.
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