Background & Summary

Participants detailed their highest level of competitive play (ranging from recreational to international), their professional engagement with esports (as a full-time or part-time job or a non-income generating activity), and their weekly gaming duration in hours. Additionally, they reported their in-game ranking (specifically, the top rank achieved in the past year), the total time spent playing the CS: as recorded by the CS: GO game system within the Steam Library (Valve Corp., USA), average weekly hours spent playing against computer-controlled opponents (bots). We also calculated their total gaming hours over the tournament preceding two weeks from their daily logs. Participants also shared their age and Body Mass Index (BMI).Article 

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  2. 2)


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  3. 3)


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  4. 4)

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Table 1 Existing Affective Psychophysiological Datasets (Part 1).
Table 2 Existing Affective Psychophysiological Datasets (Part 2).
Table 3 Existing Affective Psychophysiological Datasets (Part 3).

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De France, K. & Hollenstein, T. Assessing emotion regulation repertoires: The regulation of emotion systems survey. Pers. Individ. Differ. 119, 204–215 (2017).

Ethics Information

The physiological and behavioral data, in a CSV format, constitute 366 GB of space32. The files are grouped into eight subcomponents with a maximum size of 50 GB due to OSF storage restrictions. The component’s name indicates for which study stage (S1 vs S3) and participants and which person they refer to. For instance, the name ‘Physio_S3_225_300’ indicates that the component included psychophysiological and behavioral data from Stage 3 for participants from 225 to 300. The component contains a set of CSV files for particular subjects. All psychophysiological and behavioral signals recorded during the experiment for each individual are available in a single CSV datafile named “S < stage_id > _P < participant_id >,” where “S” stands for study stage, “P” for participants, e.g., S1_P10.csv, or S3_P224.csv. The “< particpant_id >” is a natural number identifying a participant.


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Fig. 1
figure 1
The CEPAV dataset is available at OSF1. This dataset holds potential value for a broad range of fields within affective science, including psychology, for exploring the connections between self-reported individual differences and physiological responses; computer science, particularly in the areas of machine learning for the development of automated affect detection and the clustering of gaming-related data; physics, as a practical dataset for examining the technicalities of signal processing; and mathematics, for the verification of mathematical or statistical models. The dataset can also be used to explore methods for performance optimization and examine factors related to gamers’ well-being and ill-being. To simplify the use of the CEPAV dataset, we also recorded two videos in which we discuss 1) the motivation, procedures, and results of the initial study6, and 2) the structure of the CEPAV dataset. Both videos are available on the OSF1. As the dataset is published under CC-By Attribution 4.0 International license, we hope that CEPAV will provide individuals, companies, and laboratories with the data they need to perform their analyses to advance affective science.

Stage 1

Internal/external validity: our study offered a unique blend of internal and external validity through the use of controlled experiments paired with real-world outcomes. It included a thorough evaluation of affective and physiological dynamics and implemented a robust, theory-driven intervention.

Table 4 Description of Questionnaires Used in the Project (Part 1).
Table 5 Description of Questionnaires Used in the Project (Part 2).
Table 6 Description of Questionnaires Used in the Project (Part 3).

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Stage 2


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Stage 3

Epel, E. S. et al. More than a feeling: A unified view of stress measurement for population science. Front. Neuroendocrinol. 49, 146–169 (2018).Kroenke, K., Spitzer, R. L. & Williams, J. B. The Patient Health Questionnaire-2: validity of a two-item depression screener. Med. Care 41, 1284–1292 (2003).Some information about our study is detailed in the published registered report6 – which presents hypothesis testing related to the effects of the Synergistic Mindsets Intervention – including a comprehensive description of the sampling procedures, study procedure, questionnaires, and physiological data. In this paper, we provide additional details on open-text responses, video recordings, and behavioral data. Furthermore, we include new information regarding data quality and present how the measures changed over the course of laboratory visits. Finally, to enhance the usability of the CEPAV dataset, we standardized and merged the physiological and behavioral data collected from three different devices (each with distinct data formats and sampling rates) and uploaded the resulting user-friendly files instead of the raw data.



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Open-Text answers

You can also search for this author in
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Table 7 Description of the Instructions for Open-text Questions (Part 1).
Table 8 Description of the Instructions for Open-text Questions (Part 2).
Table 9 Description of the Instructions for Open-text Questions (Part 3).

Other self-reports


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Video data

Video recordings

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Fig. 2
figure 2
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Gameplay recordings

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Physiological measures

Impedance cardiography and electrocardiography


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Blood pressure

Shui, X. et al. A dataset of daily ambulatory psychological and physiological recording for emotion research. Sci. Data 8, 161 (2021).

Behavioral measures

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Data preprocessing

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Fig. 3
figure 3
You can also search for this author in
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Maciej Behnke, Wadim Krzyżaniak, Patrycja Chwiłkowska, Szymon Jęśko Białek, Maciej Kłoskowski, Patryk Maciejewski & Kacper Szymański

Data Records

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Dataset Structure

Self-reports and metadata

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Video data

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Physiological and behavioral data

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Single physiological file structure


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Technical Validation

Missing data


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Questionnaires reliability

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Physiological data – qualitative validation


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Physiological data – quantitative validation


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Fig. 4
figure 4
The authors declare no competing interests.

Summary of previously completed analyses


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Summary of the physiological, affective, and behavioral activity during the competitive esports


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Fig. 5
figure 5
Pontes, H. M. et al. Measurement and conceptualisation of Gaming Disorder according to the World Health Organization framework: The development of the Gaming Disorder Test. Int. J. Ment. Health Addict. 19, 508–528 (2021).

Usage Notes

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Declaration of Generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process

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